accounts and donation information
You can make a difference! 87% of the donations we receive in support of ROL come from individual donors and 13% of ROL funding comes through church donations.
The following details each ministry account attached to River of Life and shows how the funds are used:
MDM is Doug and Roberta Moore’s ministry account. This is our original ministry account with IM and we use it to fund all aspects of the River of Life ministry besides our ministry travel expenses, our minimal wage (needed for our visas) and health insurance.
ZRM is the ministry account for the River of Life (ROL) Care Home monthly operating expenses. We need consistent, reliable, and steady donations in this account each month to be able to pay our staff’s wages and pay for food, health care and monthly necessities of the mothers and children living in the Care Home.
ZRH is the ROL heating fund ministry account, which we use for firewood and propane.
ZMF is the ministry account for general maintenance and renovation costs. Our monthly operating budget per month for ROL hasn’t been sufficient to cover all the building maintenance needs, including bathroom and kitchen renovations, replacing old windows, repainting, or providing for appliances when they wear out or break down.
ZCE is the Care Home children’s education fund ministry account for their school expenses.
ZEH is the ministry account for the “Maria House” assisted living Elderly Care Home. This account provides funds for the monthly operating expenses of this home.
ZCH is the account for the ongoing expenses of running “Emanuel,” our foster home for abandoned children, which was completed in 2015.
XCZ is the ministry account for Cristi Zah, our Romanian administrative director for ROL, a part of our management team and board of directors. He also pastors a church in Fibis, Romania. He is on staff with International Messengers. This ministry account supports his wages and ministry expenses.