ROMANIA – church evangelism Training


Do you have a heart for equipping God’s church? We have an opportunity for you to share your love, gifts, and grace with churches in Romania. Join us as we work alongside in-country missionaries in Romania to encourage, equip, and train church leaders for evangelism in the churches in Romania. If you love Jesus and want to encourage other believers in sharing the Gospel, you are needed on this trip.   

You will leave North America on July 26 and return home on August 4.  The cost is $1,900, which includes your lodging, food, and transportation.  Airfare averages $1,500, making the total cost around $3,400-$3,500.  We can help you create your fundraising letter and provide links for online giving for your trip.  

There are no vaccinations or visas required to enter Romania.  You will need a valid US Passport that doesn’t expire within six months of your travel.  If you need to expedite your passport, we can also help you with this process.  

Come and serve on this special trip, sharing your faith and love with God’s church in Romania.

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