ROMANIA – youth Sports/English

Dumbrăveni, Romania

Bring your youth group and serve in Romania this summer.  This team will work alongside our in-country missionaries to host a Youth Sports and English Camp.  You will play all sorts of sports and games to help you develop relationships with Romanian youth, ages 10-15.  There will be Bible studies, English classes, group activities, worship, and lots of fellowship.  

You will leave North America on July 5 and return home on July 16.  The cost is $1,900, which includes your lodging, food, and transportation.  Airfare averages $1,500, making the total cost around $3,400-$3,500.  We can help you create your fundraising letter and provide links for online giving for your trip.  

There are no vaccinations or visas required to enter Romania.  You will need a valid US Passport that doesn’t expire within six months of your travel.  If you need to expedite your passport, we can also help you with this process.  

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